Wednesday 26 May 2010

What we have been doing today!

We have been organising our book launch on Monday the 21st of June and we may put up a video of the launch we'll see but we are making invites and making up a competition and Name tags and Possibly a Drama!


  1. Hi Everyone at -Platinum Pages Publication Promotions -this looks great!

    Well done.

  2. This is a brilliant idea, everyone! I do hope the launch goes well and I can't wait to read the book. Sounds really good. Will join you in spirit from Manchester....have fun.

  3. Hope it all goes well for you and have lots of fun.

  4. hi FP... just wanted to say you did a great job making this blog and we are very proud of you... WELL DONE!!! 8-B it looks amazing!!!

  5. This looks like a great blog, and is such a good idea. I love the idea of a drama - maybe you could film it and put it on You-tube?

  6. Yes--a YouTube drama would be fab--you'd have such fun making it, and I'm sure there are some would-be directors in your school. Shall follow developments with interest.

    Lucy Coats at and

  7. hello its chloe and emma, we have read the book and it is Fabby!
    the launch is going well and we think it will be successful :D
    just to let you know we are follwing the blog.
